Inverurie Choral Society is delighted to present its annual Summer Concert on Wednesday 1 June 2024. This two-part event, with an interval for Raffle and refreshments, will take place at Inverurie Town Hall, Market Place, Inverurie, AB51 3SN. Doors will be open at 6.30 for a 7pm start. Last year we held our 25th Anniversary Concert at the Acorn Centre, so this is the first time we will have been back to the Town Hall since our 21st Birthday Concert there in 2019. The music will be a mix of popular pieces from well-known works by composers Karl Jenkins and Andrew Lloyd Webber, and selected traditional songs.
Tickets are available from https://www.ticketsource.co.uk/inverurie-choral-society/t-pqxgxoo. Early bird price of the tickets is £9. Children, Carer Companions and Full time Students Free.
We'd like to welcome as many folk as possible to come and relax and enjoy our singing. And if you fancy joining us, we meet again on Wednesday nights, starting Wednesday 14 August 2024 at 7.30pm. There are no auditions, and you don't have to read music. Why not give us a try?